Toasting at Zenger Farms |
This weekend, my wife Kelley and I are headed up to Portland for a block-style wedding celebration for our 'still new' and not well-known, but kindred spirit friends... Alice Lasher and Jason Busch. These two people are so fortunate to have each other and have such a deep interest in making the world a better place to live, let alone Portland. Hopefully, I'll have more to report back, but what I'd say here is that I'm looking forward to hearing and seeing the additional right-of-way gardens that they've introduced to their neighborhood. When we met them the first time at their 'getting updated, weatherized and beautified home', we were enamored with the types of work they'd done in their walkable neighborhood. It felt more beautiful, safe and friendly. Isn't that what we all wish for ?
Bella Lilu Boo'ster Pirate Dog |
Following the wedding, it's SE beyond Estacada for a weekend of mountain biking, trout fishing in a reservoir, possibly some fly fishing in the river beyond, general debauchery, hair-hanging, campfires, smores (howell-style), dutch over dinners and sizzling bacon breakfasts... camping at the end of summer in Oregon, can't be beat !
And I almost forgot, our little buddy - Bella Lilu Boo'ster Pirate Dog is coming along for the wedding, trail rides, fishing and bacon... can't forget her !